Garage Door Springs
Back To Our ServicesIf you are one of the 9,000 homeowners in the city of San Fernando, California, you are likely to have at least one garage door and opener system in your house. Although modern garage door systems are simple and efficient, most homeowners will require the services of a garage door company at some point. The garage door systems consist of a door that is made up of wood, aluminum, fiber glass or steel. The door slides on metal tracks and is controlled by an opener system, that uses the torque or torsion in the garage door spring to the move the door. Any damage to this spring may hinder the movement of your garage door.
There are many types of garage door springs such as galvanized and torsion coil trampoline as well as oil tempered garage door springs. The doors also vary in the model steel that is used to make them. Many low cost springs manufactured in China will put you at a greater risk of damage than the high quality ones. A professional garage door company such as the Garage Door Repair San Fernando can help you choose the right garage door spring for your house. They can also install the system for you.
Garage Door Repair San Fernando can also diagnose problems with your existing garage door springs.
Most springs lose their torsion with time. This causes the door to fall freely. The licensed technicians at the company may help adjust the torsion of the spring. You should never attempt to repair garage door springs yourself as they can lead to serious injuries and even death. Trained technicians understand the properties of the springs and handle them accordingly. Occasionally, you may need a new spring. Garage Door repair San Fernando technicians will assist you, by providing the right quote for it.
The company has a history of exceptional customer service and positive client reviews. You can also call them at 818-922-0761 if you have additional questions about your garage door spring. They can also provide other garage door services including garage door maintenance and service as well as emergency garage door service.